Amiga Plus 2002 #11
Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 11.iso
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Text File
153 lines
; $VER: Installer Script for NewsCoaster (c) Mark Harman (14.03.02)
; (full version)
(set #wrongOS "NewsCoaster needs at least OS3.0 to run\n")
(set #wrongMUI "NewsCoaster needs at least MUI3.8 to run\n")
(set #wrongCPU "NewsCoaster needs at least a 68020 CPU to run\n")
(set #icons_prompt "Which icons do you wish to install?\n")
(set #toolbar_prompt (cat "Do you wish to install the Graphical Toolbar?\n"
"(If you're updating an installation, selecting Yes will overwrite any\n"
"existing toolbar set you have installed in the Icons folder.)\n"
;(set #charset_pl_prompt (cat "Do you wish to install ARexx scripts to deal with\n"
; "charset?\n"))
(set #NewsCoaster_dir (cat "Choose a folder to install NewsCoaster in - an\n"
"extra drawer will be created. (If you wish to\n"
"update NewsCoaster, please select the folder\n"
"which contains the NewsCoaster folder.)\n"))
(set #done (cat "\nNewsCoaster has been succesfully installed.\n\n"))
(set OS_ver (getversion "exec.library" (resident)))
(if (< OS_ver (* 39 65536)) (abort #wrongOS))
(set MUI_ver (getversion "MUI:libs/muimaster.library"))
(if (AND (< MUI_ver (* 19 65536)) (<> MUI_ver 0)) (abort #wrongMUI))
(set cpu_type (database "cpu"))
(if (< cpu_type "68020") (abort #wrongCPU))
(complete 0)
; NewsCoaster icon type
(set Icon_set
(prompt #icons_prompt)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "Amiga 4 Colour" "NewIcons")
(default 1)
; copy toolbar?
(set Copy_toolbar
(prompt #toolbar_prompt)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "Yes" "No")
(default 0)
;(complete 5)
;(set PL_yes
; (askchoice
; (prompt #charset_pl_prompt)
; (help @askoptions-help)
; (choices "Yes" "No")
; (default 0)
; )
(complete 10)
(set NewsCoaster_def_dir @default-dest)
; NewsCoaster location
(set NewsCoaster_dir
(default NewsCoaster_def_dir)
(prompt #NewsCoaster_dir)
(help @askdir-help)
(set NewsCoaster_dir (tackon NewsCoaster_dir "NewsCoaster"))
(complete 20)
; make the drawer if it doesn't exist
(if (not (exists NewsCoaster_dir))
(makedir NewsCoaster_dir (infos))
; copy stuff in the root folder
(copyfiles (source "NewsCoaster") (dest NewsCoaster_dir) (infos) (help @copyfiles-help))
(copyfiles (source "NewsCoaster.guide") (dest NewsCoaster_dir) (infos) (help @copyfiles-help))
(copyfiles (source "NewsCoaster.readme") (dest NewsCoaster_dir) (infos) (help @copyfiles-help))
(copyfiles (source "default.index") (dest NewsCoaster_dir) (infos) (help @copyfiles-help))
(copyfiles (source "gotoURL.rx") (dest NewsCoaster_dir) (infos) (help @copyfiles-help))
; copy the selected NewsCoaster icon
(if (= Icon_set 0)
(copyfiles (source "Icons/NewsCoaster.info") (dest NewsCoaster_dir) (help @copyfiles-help))
(if (= Icon_set 1)
(copyfiles (source "NewsCoaster.info") (dest NewsCoaster_dir) (help @copyfiles-help))
; make the Rexx folder, and copy files
(set Rexx_dir (tackon NewsCoaster_dir "Rexx"))
;(if (= PL_yes 0)
(if (not (exists Rexx_dir))
(makedir Rexx_dir (infos))
;(if (= PL_yes 0)
(copyfiles (source "Rexx/after_fetchPL.rexx") (dest Rexx_dir) (help @copyfiles-help))
(copyfiles (source "Rexx/before_sendPL.rexx") (dest Rexx_dir) (help @copyfiles-help))
; make the icons folder and copy files
(set icons_dir (tackon NewsCoaster_dir "icons"))
(if (not (exists icons_dir))
(makedir icons_dir (infos))
(if (= Copy_toolbar 0)
(copyfiles (source "Icons/Main.toolbar") (dest icons_dir) (help @copyfiles-help))
(if (= Copy_toolbar 0)
(copyfiles (source "Icons/Main_G.toolbar") (dest icons_dir) (help @copyfiles-help))
; make the spare folder and copy files
;(set spare_dir (tackon NewsCoaster_dir "spare"))
;(if (not (exists spare_dir))
; (makedir spare_dir (infos))
(complete 60)
(copylib (prompt "MUI - BetterString.mcc") (source "MUI/BetterString.mcc") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - BetterString.mcp") (source "MUI/BetterString.mcp") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - NFloattext.mcc") (source "MUI/NFloattext.mcc") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - NList.mcc") (source "MUI/NList.mcc") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - NListview.mcc") (source "MUI/NListview.mcc") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - NListviews.mcp") (source "MUI/NListviews.mcp") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - TextEditor.mcc") (source "MUI/TextEditor.mcc") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - TextEditor.mcp") (source "MUI/TextEditor.mcp") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - NListtree.mcc") (source "MUI/NListtree.mcc") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - NListtree.mcp") (source "MUI/NListtree.mcp") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - Toolbar.mcc") (source "MUI/Toolbar.mcc") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - Toolbar.mcp") (source "MUI/Toolbar.mcp") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(copylib (prompt "MUI - InfoText.mcc") (source "MUI/InfoText.mcc") (dest "MUI:Libs/MUI/") (confirm 2) (help @copylib-help))
(complete 100)
(message #done "\"" NewsCoaster_dir "\"")
(exit (QUIET))